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Broadening Horizons

Christian LifeNewsSecondary SchoolVCE

The 2018 Year 10 Horizons program was launched at the end of Term 1 and has continued into Term 2. This week our students are completing their poetry intensive facilitated by Joel McKerrow, social justice poet, performer and TEAR ambassador. Students are being inspired and stimulated through this experience.

Horizons is an integrated course of study that our Year 10 students undertake during Term 2. Much of the Year 10 curriculum in History, Geography, Christian Life Studies and English covers similar ideas and skills. The learning in these subject areas focusses on global issues and peoples’ efforts to improve the world. These are very pertinent areas of inquiry for students in a Christian school. As Christians, we understand that working to improve the world for our neighbours is a natural expression of an active faith.

During the Horizons program, staff will deliver the set Australian Curriculum in the same time allocation; however, we complete the planning collaboratively and synthesise the topics, providing a consistent Biblical perspective and a richer, more coherent course that goes deeper into the understandings we hope to achieve. The end result is an 11 week program to broaden students’ “horizons”, increasing their awareness of themselves as global citizens. Students will explore the question, “How can I use my voice and power to respond to the injustices in the world?”

A lot of hard work has gone into the planning of the Horizons program for our Year 10 students. Many thanks to the Year 10 subject teachers who have collaborated to develop and facilitate this program for our students. Their efforts are greatly appreciated by our College community. 

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Northside Christian College
31 McLeans Rd, Bundoora VIC 3083, Australia
Phone: 03 9467 2499