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Warriors Win Athletics Carnival

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For the first time the Worthy Warriors have finally secured an elusive victory. It was through sweeping participation and reinvigorated leadership that the Worthy Warriors claimed victory at the recent Athletics Carnival. The competing Houses put up a strong and scary fight; the possibility of loss was indeed very near. However, when the scores were announced half way through the Carnival, the word quickly spread that the Worthy Warriors were leading.

During the second half of the Carnival, the competition from the Courageous Conquerors and the Noble Knights was even more fierce. The Courageous Conquerors saw many victories, but alas it was not enough as the Worthy Warriors had already secured victory.

On a serious note however this first victory of the Worthy Warriors couldn’t have happened without the participation of all the members of the Worthy Warriors, the organisation the teachers, and the competiveness of the Conquerors and the Knights.

Thank you to all staff, students and especially parent helpers for your contribution and participation in this event.

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31 McLeans Rd, Bundoora VIC 3083, Australia
Phone: 03 9467 2499